
The Decision Support Systems Laboratory has developed a set of software for analyzing preference data collected through market surveys. Most of them have been used in real-world applications.

Musa - MUlticriteria Satisfaction Analysis

MUSA (MUlticriteria Satisfaction Analysis)  is a consumer-based tool (developed for Windows) for measuring and analysing customer satisfaction. The software uses survey data on customer satisfaction judgements while the analysis of collected information is based on a preference disaggregation model. The implemented methodology follows the principles of multicriteria analysis using mainly ordinal regression techniques. The main advantage is that MUSA fully respects the qualitative form of customers judgements and preferences.


Minora is an interactive multicriteria Decision Support System for ranking a set of alternatives.


Markex is a multicriteria Decision Support System for analyzing consumer behavior and market shares. It aims on analyzing existing products as well as determining the characteristics on new developed products.


Utastar supports the use and understanding of the the multicriteria preference aggregation/disaggregation method UTASTAR. It is mainly used to support the lab exercises of the undergraduate course DPEM 324 - Decision Support Systems.


MarketS (Market Simulator) is a web-based multicriteria marketing Decision Support System for market simulations. It has been developed in order to support the lab exercises of the undergraduate course DPEM 324 - Decision Support Systems.